The GeniusTrinity Theory

A Theory of Reaching

Your Full Potential

Below you can follow the theory as it evolves. The main principle of this theory is to ruthlessly find how to reach our full potential. The theory will search through every available resource to uncover the truth behind everything we believe. It will constantly challenge us as we seek to reach our full potential.


Starting Over

To reach ones full potential can have several meanings. I hope to define it here for clarity. The best way to understand this is in reference to energy. There is potential and kinetic energy. Potential energy is the stored energy in an object, where kinetic energy is the energy of the object in motion.

In this view, our potential is what is stored within us. The environment we are in then dictates how and to what degree this potential effects the environment around it. We can influence how close we are to our full potential, but what that means to the outside world is out of our control. We can be as smart as our brains allow us to be, but the world dictates if and how this translates to success in our lives. This means that anyone, no matter where they start or end in life, can reach their full potential.

With that as our guiding principle, we must wipe our slate clean and start over. This will be very difficult and vary person to person. However, doing so will allow us to be open to wherever the truth leads us.

We are a product of our environment which is mostly dictated by chance. We have little control over our lives when we are the most impressionable. We learn from our surroundings and the circumstances we find ourselves in. Our parents shape us into who they believe would be best to handle this world. We become the average of our friends as chance and circumstance attract us to our group. As a group, we bring the sum of who our parents are. We create feedback loops that continue to shape us into being a product of our environment. This solidifies who we believe we are as we are released freely into the world. Your behaviors and thoughts are more of a reflection of where you grew up than who you are. This is the foundation that is built on as you explore the world. A foundation that you didn’t build.

Once we realize this, it feels as if the rug was pulled from underneath you. As if you are on the 20th floor of a collapsing building. The pain of the time you spent building a place that was never yours. The pain of having to rebuild it all over again with no idea of where to start. This is inevitable for most because of how little control we had early on. We were deceived into believing that our ideas and views were our own. By our parents misguided efforts to make us them, by our societies need to profit from everything we do, by our friends who wanted us to be just like them. As we see this, we face one of the most important forks in the road we will ever face. Do we continue down our current path and ignore this truth hoping it will pass? Or do we demolish the building and start rebuilding it the way we choose?

If a person gave away your body to some passerby, you’d be furious. Yet you hand over your mind to anyone who comes along, so they may abuse you, leaving it disturbed and troubled — have you no shame in that?

EpictetusGreek Stoic Philosopher, 50 to 135

Be the change that you wish to see in the world.

Mahatma GandhiIndian Lawyer, 1869 to 1948

Whereas the craftsman mindset focuses on what you can offer the world, the passion mindset focuses instead on what the world can offer you.

Cal NewportProfessor/Author

I arise in the morning torn between a desire to improve the world and a desire to enjoy the world, this makes it difficult to plan the day.

E.B. WhiteAmerican Writer, 1899 to 1985


The Three Components That Influence Our Life

Reaching our full potential requires us to understand the world around us and how we fit into it. At the macro level, this is organized into 3 components that covers what we need.


Our lifestyle is where our actions come into play. This component focuses on our interactions with the outside world.


Our culture allows us to add perspective to our environment. It teaches far more than our immediate surroundings could.


Science shows us what our surroundings is made up of. It gives us the inner workings of our world and what that means to us.


Your lifestyle is complex. It needs to adapt to three different components itself, while also being influenced by your views on culture and science.

Lifestyle is the most misunderstood of the three main components. It is far more complex than most people think. With the constraint of time, you have to be strategic with how you spend your time on health, wealth and wisdom. All the decisions you make about these three things are also influenced by your views on culture and science. The balancing act thus becomes complicated which make some choices more optimal than the best choice.

Maximizing each individual component also has different effects. The fact that time is the constraint, it becomes impossible or at the very least less optimal to maximize all the components. So we must understand this complexity and operate accordingly. We are aiming for the optimum results not the absolute best results.

The body is guided by nutrition and exercise. These two things are the main components for your health.

Our health is important. What we put into our body and how we move it influence how our body exists in the world. By making sure to fuel our body and using it in productive ways, our health can improve every aspect of our lives. The issue is there is threshold in which once passed, the returns on your time are greatly diminished.

A definition of health is the state of being free from illness or injury. While many can view it differently, this is generally the optimum state of health. The goal of the body is for it to be vessel for the mind. This means your time is best spent getting the body to a point where it doesn’t detract from the mind.

The two components our resources are organized into are cashflow and net worth. These will give you the best picture of your wealth.

Wealth is relative and is generally associated with cash. This causes a lot of issues when people talk about becoming wealthy. The best way to view wealth is in the context of resource management. Being wealthy has to do with how you manage your resources. It is relative which is captured in your cashflow and net worth.

Anyone can become wealthy and it has nothing to do with becoming a millionaire. It depends on what your cashflow is relative to your net worth. This component also has a similar threshold that health has. Once you manage your resources properly, trying to maximize it only leads to diminishing returns.

The mind is influenced by your mindset and learning. With these two components, the mind is continually growing.

The mind doesn’t have the same threshold that health and wealth have. Through your mindset and learning, your mind can constantly refine itself. The wisdom that you have is the underpinning for everything else. It has the strongest influence of all the components. The issue is it can reinforce what you already know through a feedback loop.

This is the reason that generally you want your mindset and learning to oppose each other. By doing this, it allows you to refine your mindset by learning opposing views. The amount of time spent on wisdom can be used in many different manners and should be spread out among topics and views to expand your mind.


We must know how we got here to know where we are going. Studying our culture shows how thought and power has evolved and the transformation we have gone through.

We can learn so much from the present and past. The subject is often forgotten once you leave school. The crazy fact is even in school, you barely scratch the surface. To know where to go next we have to know where we came from. What worked and what didn’t work? Through the components of culture, we can learn how our world became what it is today.

The wisdom you get from this allows you to see the world differently. The sacrifices made before you, the mistakes of the past and the influence of the present. To be able to see the world for what it is will allow you to make decisions for the betterment of society. To not learn from the past would mean wasting knowledge and starting with a flawed view.

Thought is often the foundation of everything we do. The foundation that we lay can be split into religion and philosophy as we tend to build our thought from the two.

Thought can be tracked all the way back throughout our history. It has been a battle between religion and philosophy. Strong currents that have changed trajectories of entire continents. We hold on to them strongly even if we don’t know much about them. What we fail to realize are the two are not incompatible. They are vague words that can encompass a lot.

Spirituality can also become a part of it if you choose to group them like that, but they all encompass things outside of what we know them for. They all can cover origins and ethics, but philosophy can include what is now known as science along with religion including what has now become tradition. They can teach us far more if we don’t keep them diametrically opposed.

The building and transferring of power can be done through economics and politics. Why our world operates the way it does is often the merging of these two.

Power is one of the least understood of the components. These can become very complex and has a rich history. We tend to lead these areas with simply our intuition of things. We fail to understand how our political system works and the influence behind it. We believe things about the world of economics simply based on personal experience.

We fail to see that power comes from knowledge. Understanding how power came to be divided and how it changes hands has a large impact on our life. Power influences us in everything we do. If we are ignorant to what influences us, we fail to correct them and let power control us. We can restore power to ourselves by paying attention!

Our culture has gone through radical change as both a civilization and as a country. Learning about these transformations can give us insights on our behavior today.

Studying history could consume a lifetime. There has been so much transformation in our past and present. Focusing on the big picture throughout history can help us learn what shaped us on a civilization and country level. Many of us know so little about our history, so how can we learn from it? We will let history repeat itself if we fail to take it seriously.

Learning about how civilization has changed will allow us to understand ourselves better. It will teach us why we do what we do. Learning about the past of our country will allow us to understand our environment better. If we turn our back on our history, how would our present make any sense? Transformation shows us how our culture has changed.


Understanding how the world is structured gives us a deep foundation of what is. We are a product of nature and its processes through matter, structure and logic.

Science is the exploration of our reality. It gives rise to everything we do in the modern world. It shows us the natural world around us. While we have a long way to go, we have learned a lot about the nature of our world. Science has taught us to question everything. It has also taught us that everything we know can change when we get new information.

Science isn’t just a domain for scientists to test theories. It is a place where we can gain true knowledge of how to live in this world. Science can unlock doors that no other subject can. It can allow us to do more than we ever thought possible. We can gain new insights by combining it with our lifestyle and culture. Science adds the final layer to give us an accurate view of our life.

The physical world consists of physics and chemistry. Between the two we can understand why nature works the way it does.

Physics and chemistry are the underpinnings to everything around us. Physics helps us understand how our world behaves. It helps us understand why matter works the way it does. It helps show the laws that our lives are controlled by. It allows us to make predictions of how things will work. It can show us the rules of natrue.

Chemistry helps show us the building blocks of nature and how they interact. It helps us create new things and know what things are made out of. It can show us why the world changes the way it does. The combination of the two can teach us so much about our physical world and help us make better decisions.

Structure is the intermixing of biology and psychology. It allows us to understand why our bodies are the way they are.

The study of the structure of life is important to understand ourselves. Through biology and psychology we can understand why we work the way we do. We can learn how we biologically react to thing. We can learn why our minds react the way they do. Studying these two things will help us live better as we are able to understand our behaviors.

It is invaluable because it helps us become more self aware. We can live better because we can avoid the pitfalls that are programmed into us. By knowing how we think, we can help our culture by avoiding things we do that are toxic and promoting things that contribute to it. We will be able to better handle obstacles in life.

Logic is the structures we have built to understand details of the world. Through mathematics and computer science much of the modern world was built.

Mathematics and computer science are the backbones of the modern world. By using logic and computers, we can leverage what we know about the world. We have harnessed nature to allow us to do things that were once impossible. Learning these two things will then allow us to understand the modern world we live in.

It will allow us to leverage it in our own lives and be better for it. It allows us to take our knowledge and expand it. Through making predictions and off loading work to computers. Learning and utilizing logic in our lives will allow us to multiply the output of what we do. It will help us stay organized in a messy world.

The Trinity

“A person who doesn’t know what the universe is, doesn’t know where they are. A person who doesn’t know their purpose in life, doesn’t know who they are or what the universe is. A person who doesn’t know any one of these things doesn’t know why they are here. So what to make of people who seek or avoid the praise of those who have no knowledge of where or who they are?”

Marcus AureliusRoman Emperor, 161 to 180

The trinity is based on the idea that with limited resources and a complex life, we need a system for prioritizing what we focus on.

Within the trinity, each component has its own trinity. For every trinity, focus must be split among them. Every person will have their focus in a different configuration as their life is different. The trinities, however, can be split into two main groups: the information trinity and the action trinity. Our use of resources can be split into actions and consuming information. Both are just as important and offer us guidance on where our focus lies.

Trinity Outline
The Information Trinity

This is the trinity that concerns anything that has to do with consuming information.

The Action Trinity

This is the trinity that concerns anything that is actionable.

The Action Trinity

The action trinity is important because it dictates the actions we take as individuals. If we simply take in information with no action, changes in our life will be greatly limited. We need to take action on these things, but the amount of resources we spend on each varies. Actions we take tend to have diminishing returns within each component, so we have to make sure we account for that.


Wealth is the underpinning of everything. It is how we manage our resources which allows us to expand into the other components. Spending time and creating an automatic system has by far the biggest impact within wealth.


Wisdom has the lowest rate of diminishing returns over time. Due to the sheer power of our brains and the available information, spending time learning can have a large impact throughout your life.


Peak health is not the goal as the return on resources diminishes quickly. The highest impact is simply removing any health barriers, such as our hormones and energy levels. Simply removing anything unhealthy has the greatest impact.

The Information Trinity

While the information trinity has no actionable steps, it is equally important. It feeds information to better inform any actions we take. To become a well rounded individual we have to make sure that we are intaking enough information from the right sources and be able to properly filter it. This requires us to do a lot more work than most people do when gathering information. Doing this with a focus on this trinity allows us to properly spend our resources on what needs it the most.


There is a lot of things to learn from our culture. All this information will allow us to be well rounded and understand what influenced us. This gives us the best return on our resources as it allows us to learn the big picture without getting lost in the details.


This by far has the most direct impact on our lives. The other two components are meant to support this one. The bulk amount of our time is spent connecting the information we process to our lives and how it impacts us. Focusing on this will allow us to properly guide the action trinity.


While it is important we understand the nature of our reality, it can only help us so much. With limited resources, this gives us the best return of learning about our reality. Science gives us a deeper look into the foundations of our lives.

Your Full Potential

“The unexamined life is not worth living”


When you have limited resources, you have to focus on optimizing your return. Most believe that your return will stay constant as you use more resources, but in most cases this is not true. As you build your theory be sure to take into account that most areas of your life will have diminishing returns once you reach a certain point.

Return On Resources Chart

Building Your Own Theory

This is the foundation of the GeniusTrinity theory. It is meant to be a guide as it is ultimately up to you to build your theory of everything. Below are next steps to help you build your own theory. Both this and your theory are always evolving as the only constant in life is change.


Start From Scratch

Commit to rethinking everything you know. Truly challenge every belief in your life.

Create A Learning Path

Use the components above as a way to figure out what you want to start learning first.

Put Together What You Learned

Use what you learned to start to piece together your beliefs into your own theory.

Use Your Theory To Take Action

Once your theory starts to get pieced together, use it to take action and improve your lifestyle.

Automate Your Theory

Find ways to optimize your theory by automating a lot of the heavy lifting.

Continue To Refine

As you learn and grow, continue to refine your theory so it accurately reflects you.
Constantly Evolving

The Theory Is Never Done

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