Universal Value System: A system created to allow you to compare unrelated things in your life. This should define a simple way to create a consistent conversion.
Many times in our life we must make a decision between one or the other. This can be difficult as it is tough to compare things that have little in common. The remedy would simply to convert them to like things so you can compare. The issue is figuring out how to do this. This is where the need for a universal value system comes into play. It is a simple way to convert everything into the same values. Its main goal is to create a formula of how to convert each thing so that the values remain consistent over time. These are best confined to individual systems as many times comparison will come in different forms.

The System

Creating a universal value system gets more difficult as the system being measured gets more diverse. The first thing you have to do is find what qualities all the values have in common. This will allow you to measure what the system itself should represent such as resources. Once you have done this, you then need to create weights for each quality. How much does the difference in the quality change the overall value. While converting the value itself, you have to take into account the different amounts of the incoming values. This can be done my some type of amount multiplier. Putting this together will give you the resulting atoms of the universal value system. This sometimes is very subjective, but the hope is that due to it being a formula that it will smooth out the results over time.

(Source + Application + Control + Depleted Impact) * Amount = Atoms

Source: Infinite (1) , Finite (3), Limited (5)
Application: Universal (3), Specific (6)
Control: Full (2), Partial (6), None (10)
Depleted Impact: Low (5), Medium (10), High (15)

Amount: Small (2), Medium (4), Large (6), Enormous (10)

Time – Finite, Universal, Partial, Medium      = 22 Atoms
Money – Infinite, Universal, Full, High            = 21 Atoms


These systems are a way to compare things that are similar in some way, but aren’t currently comparable. They should be used to make better decisions by creating a consistent way to compare different values. They should, however, be used as guides and not as the true value. At the end of the day, use your best judgement to determine values and what to do.