Risk System: A system created to measure what the many areas of risk in your life. This is meant to take into account that in stress, areas tend to have unintended consequences on other areas.
Risk is something we don’t evaluate enough. We face a lot of risk in everything we do. That gets compounded by the risk of all the different things we do put together. This risk can be managed and done so with a system to evaluate the comparative risk. Where we work and what we do there has a certain risk about it. One of the risks is losing our jobs. This then will have cascading risk to other areas that depended on the stability of your job. One of those things could be your home. Managing each risk and the risk of it hurting other areas is very difficult. This is what a risk system is meant to alleviate.

The System

Managing our risk is very important in times of stress. Risk systems should evaluate to that stress with something of a stress test. This is what the system is managing against. The first step is to evaluate all the risks in a persons life. Based on their conditions, determine how much normal risk they have on any given day. After that, run a worst case scenario and determine the risk of each and the result of it infecting other risks. You then want to give a larger weight to the worst case scenario. You also want to compare the current risk with the likelihood of the worst case scenario. Once you put these together it should help you evaluate your total risk and where the most risk comes from.

Example Risks:
Occupation Risk
Health Risk
Financial Risk


The main point of this system is to help see where you are exposed to a lot of risk. This is also meant to help you make decisions based on the current risk that you have. Most of the time this will simply be an evaluation, but in times of stress it should help show you how to strategize based on where the risk shows will have the biggest hit to your life.