Building a new foundation is no easy task. It requires time and effort to flesh it out. In doing so, you will end up with a solid foundation that is truly yours. Once you put together your new foundation, you move to maintain it. Your foundation will never truly be done, as the only constant in life is change. The goal however is to create a solid foundation to build on, even if it is a living foundation. Doing so, will lead to a better life because it is truly yours. Maintaining your foundation is just as important, as ignoring new information that would change your foundation would go against the very core of it.

A Living Foundation

The foundation is living. That means that it should be updated whenever needed. It almost never will stay the exact same for the rest of your life. As you learn and grow, your foundation should do the same. In many ways, throughout life you will have extensive repairs on your foundation. Do not hesitate to make these changes as you seek to find the truth. You should always understand that you are constantly changing and your foundation is simply an approximation of you as you go through life. Do your best not to get attached to it in any certain form.

Building On It

Once you have a solid foundation, it is time to build on it. The point of piecing together your foundation is to help you build your life on top of it. Your foundation is the core of who you are and should help you understand what that means in your life. The choices in your foundation must map to reality, as when your actions don’t match who you are it will cause a lot of problems. As the foundation shifts so will what is built on top of it. That means that when you adjust your foundation, you have to also change what you do in your life accordingly. The house you build must match the foundation it is built on or it risks everything inside of it.

A Better Life

The whole point of this is to live a better life. Going through all of this keep that in mind. If what you are doing is not going to make your life better than don’t do it. Creating a new foundation, building on top of it and maintaining it will help you create a better life that is truly yours. It will allow you to understand yourself and the actions you take. This may be difficult at first, but the result is well worth it. If for some reason doing this just seems to make your life worse, then you should go about it a different way. I hope in the end this helps you. At the end of the day, do what you need to do.