How did we get here? The world is in chaos. I guess you could say this is our fault, perhaps because we do not know ourselves. However, how could we be expected to? The world around us was created so we never would. Have you ever even thought about your existence?. Probably not, because then you would be asking too many questions. You have been conditioned your whole life to escape, because asking questions leads to problems. I implore you to open your eyes and see the world for what it is. Hopefully it’s not too late. Your existence is meaningless if it is not yours. We enter this world without consent. As we grow up we imitate the world around us. We learn to blend in with this world. Our freedoms are not given to us until they have decided that our minds are developed enough, because by then our minds would be useless. Molded by the world before we are free, are we really free after that? For what is the point of existence if our lives were never ours to begin with? What does it meant to be free?

The Influence of Our Childhood

The influences of our childhood can be split into 2 groups and 6 categories: things (conditions/education/events) and people (family/friends/media). Lets first draw our attention on the things that influence us. The conditions we grow up with form the prism in which we view the world. How we are educated, the events we will face, the views of our family and friends and the media we choose to consume are all based on our starting conditions. These conditions are invisible to us, but their influence is undeniable. We have little say over these conditions, but this will allow the world to take advantage of us. Our entire childhood we are being educated, an education that we have little say over. We are told what to learn and how to learn; we are educated to conform to the world. Throughout, we must deal with many life events that shape how we see the world. Here the influence of our world tells us how to cope with them and how to interpret them. A cohesive indoctrination of a very specific worldview, one you have little say over. This is flanked by the people who influence us, as they too are influenced just like we are. Our family that wants us to be happy, for a world where you don’t conform can bring about pain. Where they want what’s best for you based on what the world influenced them to think. Your friends reinforce the very world you are in, thus normalizing it. They provide an easy distraction for a world where you have little say in. Then comes the greatest enforcer the world has seen, the media. The embodiment of the world around you that attacks from all angles as it seeks to influence you. This is the world in which we grow up in.

Moving Forward

Your body is set free after your mind has been enslaved. Under these conditions, how could your existence ever make sense? Who we are was never our choice, but today it can be. Once your mind sees that it is enslaved it can go about freeing itself. We are cultivated in a world where we don’t have much say. Like a flower, we are at the mercy of the world we are in. Yet somehow we believe that the end result was somehow our doing. The world has shaped us into who we are. The only question is: how much of it is real? It is up to you to find out!