Our lives seem so fragile. We live in the comfort of a routine that allows us to focus on bigger things. It’s so easy to get knocked out of our routine and feel out of rhythm. We find ourselves knocked out of orbit, trying desperately to return where we came. Sometimes, we can recover quickly and find ourselves at ease again as if we are in the orbit nature intended. It is the times where we feel like we have been off course for so long, we wonder if we’ll ever make it back. This is where I find myself. Remembering the days where everything went smoothly, where the world seemed in order. Wondering if I’ll ever make it back, seeing all the days that have passed while being off course.


Perhaps it is our focus that will show us the way back. We must bring our focus to the steps we must take on our way back. It starts with the small things we can do. Focusing on getting the small things back to normal one by one until we get to the main pieces. Even then we should focus on breaking those down to their smallest components. We didn’t build our routine all at once and it will take time to get back to where we once were. However, it is something that we must do and remained focus on where our next step will be. Soon enough we will be consumed once again by our routines, we simply must maintain faith no matter how far off we are.