There is no greater honor than to study what came before us. To be well-educated was to learn from everything that came before us to allow us to apply it to tomorrow. It also meant that in doing so, you could see the world from every perspective imaginable. It gives us the ability to understand the world around us. It is what makes us human, to stand on the shoulders of giants.

The Test of Time

It is hard not to find an example of something when studying culture. Time has tested the ideas of man. It makes sense of the world around us; why things are the way they are. It respects the sacrifices of mankind for the betterment of mankind. For if a person does not know their culture, what do they know? To become well-cultured we must leave no stone left unturned. We must study the main components that give rise to culture. With this knowledge, we learn how we want to shape tomorrow.
There is so much to our culture, but we must seek to study all of it; the winners and losers, the good and bad and the forgotten. We must attempt to understand it in context of the time and always have an open mind. This will guide us in who we choose to be by showing us how we connect to the world. It provides us with a map of the explored world and the pitfalls that surround us.