Personal development means different things to different people. The main thing everyone agrees on is that it is a lifelong process. It follows a need that we all want to be better through the understanding that we all have things that we need to work on. We do so even at great costs to ourselves. Spending hundreds of billions of dollars trying to find ways to make us better and chasing anything that promises us a better life. What if I told you that by trying to get better, we collectively get worse. We are led astray by people with the best of intentions.
For the last 5 years I have been doing everything I can to improve myself. I followed successful people, took any course that helped me learn new skills, and read all the books I could get my hands on. I ate healthy and exercised, implemented the behaviors of successful people, and taught myself how to program. Through the ups and downs I was able to get a job making 6 figures, buy a new car, move into a bigger place and get healthy. The only issue was I didn’t really feel like I had truly improved myself. This feeling led me to rethink everything I had learned. I found at the heart of it all, why I still felt so lost.

The Complexity Problem

For us to be able to improve ourselves, we must take into account the complexity that our lives and the world bring to the table. In science we tend to theorize in vacuums. This allows us to take out all the variables except for the one we want to study. We tend to use this trick to simplify what we are looking into. This chooses to ignore complexity for the sake of simplicity. This may work in science, but looking at our lives in a vacuum provides us with results that simply break down in the real world. This complexity originates from the idea that worlds are constantly colliding, that in turn cause more collisions. This means that where we are, at any given moment, has meaningful implications. Everything we do changes the world as we are interconnected through our interactions with each other. What we choose to do has both direct and indirect effects on everything around us.
This is amplified by our inability to process complex information without help. Our brains were designed for efficiency, so while we believe we are structured and logical people we fall short far too much. We can’t simply ignore the complexity of our lives if we truly want to make personal development effective. It needs to deal with its inherent complexity. We do this through a holistic approach that makes us accept that personal development covers far more than we would like to believe. By redefining our expectations, we can actually become who we set out to become; to truly reach our full potential.

The Need For Innovation

We have created technology so great that we have sent humans to the moon. We created super computers and found a way to make them fit in our pockets. All this and we still struggle with improving ourselves. Personal development hasn’t changed much with technology. We simply used technology to digitize what was done before. Technology was supposed to allow us to do things we never thought we could. Instead of helping us navigate the world, it multiplied the issues we already had. Technology has given us a chance to transform who we are. So the question becomes, what if we started over?

A New Beginning

What would our world look like, would it look the same? We live in a world designed to treat symptoms and not the disease. Who we are has become a product of our circumstance. What if we broke free from that, that we wipe the slate clean. How would we piece together our lives if we simply rethought everything around us.
This is where I begin, at the core of who I am. Starting from the ground up, rebuilding everything I thought I knew. Who knows, maybe I’ll find my way back to exactly where I am at now. It is a journey that I must go on and one I hope will also benefit you. You see that’s the goal of GeniusTrinity as a whole. To find a better way of improving ourselves, let alone figure out who we are. Whether it’s the way we think or the tools we use, we have to embrace the complexity of our lives.

We Only Have One Life

Personal development always starts with the greatest intentions. Somewhere along the way we get distracted; we get lost in the complexity of our lives. We veer off the path we so desperately need to follow. What defines us is our ability to find our way back to that path. To constantly challenge ourselves to be better. We must realize that progress is not linear and that today is all we have. Complexity brings beauty to this world, but with it a madness. A madness we must overcome. If we do not, our lives will never be our own!